Events and News
To readers, friends, and visitors,
| I still don't have a regular newsletter, but I am building an e-mail list. I use it to let readers and friends know when I have a new book coming out or other exciting news happens. If you'd like to be on my list, e-mail me at jhandmail@aol.com.
| I've written the second installment in Silhouette Book's upcoming Athena Force series. The story is tentatively titled DARE (but may be switched to THE GOOD THIEF) and will be released in September of 2007. This tale of intrigue was especially delightful to write because much of the story takes place in Prague. I've never been to Prague and during my research for the book I was amazed to learn that it is both extremely beautiful and extremely fascinating. Prague was one of the European capitals never bombed in WW II and still exudes fabulous old-world charm. Nicknames for it are "the city of a hundred spires" and "the golden city." Prague castle is arguably the largest castle in the world and dominates the cityscape. My favorite composer, Mozart, lived and worked there. And that author with the eccentric of view of life, Franz Kafka, worked and is buried there. I'm hoping I can convey some of the wonder of the place to readers of DARE, and personally, I hope soon to be able to find a way to attend the famous Prague music festival.
| With friend and colleague, Peggy Lang, I'm close to completing a mainstream political thriller. This first exercise in writing with a co-author has seen its frustrating moments, tense moments, disagreements, and disagreements settled. Trying to work out the logistics of sharing files through many rewrites taxed our minds to the extreme. But the project has been great fun as we took turns surprising each other with our unique development of the different plot twists. Time will tell whether readers enjoy our shared "voice."
| My continuing interest in the subject of war, and the possibility of ending war within the lifetime of children today, led to the writing and publication in 2003 of WOMEN, POWER, AND THE BIOLOGY OF PEACE. In 2006 I created a website, www.AFutureWithoutWar.org , which is a follow-up of the ideas in the first book. Because reading essays on a website isn't fun for a lot of people, I also published the collected essays in a book, A FUTURE WITHOUT WAR, in 2006.
I continue to spend roughly half my work time on various projects associated with ending war. In July of 2006 I'll attend a conference of like-minded organizations for some brainstorming. With local colleagues I'm working on setting up a viral marketing video contest for High School and College students that will have as its theme that we could end war if we choose. The single biggest hurdle to ending war, it turns out, is the fact that most people don't believe it's possible. If you don't believe it, you can't achieve it. I hope, with my books and the website, written from my perspective as a biologist, to help lay to rest that erroneous and self-defeating belief.
| Recent engagements:
Annual Meeting - Up The River Endeavors - Martha's Vineyard - Workshops and Brainstorming Sessions on a Variety of Topics Having to do With Making the World a Better Place
World Affairs Council - North County, San Diego - Lecture Topic: "On the Subject of War — Cause and Cure: A Biological and Anthropological Perspective."
IVAT - Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego - Panel and Talk: "A Biologist's Perspective on War and Social Conflict: Why Men and Women Respond Differently"
| I wish all my readers welcome. I'd love to hear from you.
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