Meet The Author

Welcome to my archived author website! For all of the latest information about my writing and peace research, please visit my current website



Spring 2009

I originally created this web page to welcome readers and prospective readers of the historical epic Voice of the Goddess. The information I created about that novel and why I wrote about that time and place is all still available on this website.

Four years later, I self-published my nonfiction book Women, Power, and the Biology of Peace. It’s an exploration from my perspective as an evolutionary biologist of the gender differences between men and women when it comes to the matter or using violence, most especially the violence of war. Detailed information about that book and about how it relates to Voice of the Goddess is also available here at this website, including a FREE download of Women, Power, and the Biology of Peace.

In subsequent years I developed a website ( that offers essays, links and other items (book reviews, newsletters, etc.) as an extension of Women, Power, and the Biology of Peace. I continue to accept speaking engagements based on Women, Power, and the Biology of Peace about why and how we might create a future without war.

As for my fiction, I completed my Nova Blair, adventuress and action hero, series for Silhouette Bombshell. The first book, Code Name: Dove, made the Waldenbooks Bestseller list for two weeks in a row in July 2004, much to my delight. Sadly the Bombshell action/adventure line closed, but the Athena Force series was begun and my contribution, The Good Thief, came out in September of 2007.

With a friend and writing colleague, Peggy Lang, I experienced the challenges of writing collaboratively. We finished a woman-in-peril/political suspense that we call Assassin's Rose. Action, love story, political intrigue. It’s still looking for a publisher. The heroine is a woman who runs for President of the United States driven by her vision that putting weapons in space is an unacceptable extension of our propensity for war. It's a challenging process to work with another writer and still remain friends. I think of it as a lot like trying to wallpaper with your husband. We succeeded and found it to be a rich and exciting process. A screenplay for that story sits in my bookcase waiting to be purchased and produced.

Will I write fiction again? I’ve begun a sequel to Assassin's Rose. Whether I finish it remains an open question. I am drawn ever deeper into the issue of why and how we could abolish war…but writing great stories about powerful women and the men who partner with them to make their world a better place always draws me with enduring allure.

I extend warm wishes to my visitors and readers. And once again, welcome!

Judith Hand

For a detailed biography of Judith see Wikipedia.


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